
bohr radius中文是什么意思

  • 玻尔半径
  • 波尔半径



  • 例句与用法
  • Bohr radius was the radius of the circle in which the electron moved in the ground state of the hydrogen atom, according to the bohr theory .
  • In the paper , by fractional - dimension space model , the relationships between system dimensions and wells width in zno / mgzno quantum well will be studied and the exciton dynamics such as wave functions , radial intensity and bohr radius in zno / mgzno with different well width are studied firstly . secondly , the system dimension , exciton wave functions and absorption spectrum in hexagonal microtube zno film were calculated and simulated , and the confinement of microtube is discussed . then the hexagonal microtube zno films are investigated by capacitance - voltage ( c - v ) measurements and the structure of zno / si were analyzed and modeled
    本文利用分数维空间模型,首先研究了zno / mgzno量子阱中系统维度、激子波函数、径向密度和波尔半径随阱宽的变化,从中反映了zno / mgzno量子阱中量子尺寸效应对激子态的影响;其次计算和仿真得到六棱微管zno薄膜的系统维度、激子波函数及吸收谱,讨论了微管壁厚对激子的限制情况。
  • Comparing our results with that of predecessors , we find that ( i ) there indeed exists a parameter ( impurity bohr radius ajm ) on which the impurity binding energy has strong dependence ; ( ii ) the virial theorem value is non - constant but approach 2 from above when the well width is smaller or larger
    计算结果表明:的确存在一个参数(杂质有效玻尔半径)可用来完全确定束缚能的值,而不必考虑截面的形状和尺寸;体系的维里定理值并不等于常数,而是随杂质有效玻尔半径的变化而变化,在阱宽较小和较大时,维里定理值都趋于同一值2 。
  • 其他语种释义
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